- Course Number: 3611
- Subject: Art
- Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
- Credit Hours: 3
- Description:
A continuation of advanced black and white photography with an introduction to the zone system and a variety of professional techniques. Emphasis will be on the development of a professional portfolio, classical black and white photographic history, and focused development of personal vision. Digital photographic techniques may also be included. Prior to Fall 2025, this course was titled "Advanced Photo Workshop."
The Advanced Photography Workshop focuses on analog tools and techniques. We move from a competence in film processing and black and white darkroom printing towards historic, alternative, and experimental photographic techniques. Starting from the basic pinhole camera, students are guided through the various methods of “drawing with light” to explore more sophisticated, hands-on printing techniques and image-making devices. Using both analog and digital tools, simple chemistry, and experimentation, we explore artistic solutions to contemporary image making ideas. With the eternal city as our backdrop, we explore the history of photographic imaging and the way we see ourselves in the past and the future. In an advanced course, students are expected to show competency in various techniques, courage to work independently, and an ability to create a final project portfolio. Weekly critiques and assigned readings encourage a contemporary, critical context for understanding photographic images. Material Covered: Advanced Film Processing: The use of various methods add control to the quality of the negative, pushing, pulling, use of warm and cold developers. Advanced Darkroom Printing: toning processes, solarizing, layering, sandwiching negatives, split filtering are applied. Historical Techniques: cyanotype, daguerreotype, salt and gum bichromate prints, wet collodion processes are explored Pinhole cameras: Use of large- and small-scale homemade cameras Film Format: Fil cameras, 35mm, medium (120) and large format 4 x 5 Lomography Digital post Product: work is canned and finished in Photoshop or Lightroom
- Special Notes:
Along with a 35 mm camera students are encouraged to bring any type of pin-hole camera, Diana-F, Lomo LC-A or other film cameras. A small number of basic film cameras are available at Temple Rome for limited student use.
- Cross-listings:
GAD 3451
- Pre-requisites:
Digital photography and darkroom photography with a minimum grade of C-, or equivalent. For Temple students, specific pre-requisites include one of the following (PHOT 2441, PHOT 2451, ART 2601, ART 2603, GAD 2441, or GAD 2451) and one of the following (ART 3603, PHOT 3412 or GAD 3412). Must be a Tyler Art or Architecture student.