Business Communications

  • Course Number: 2196
  • Subject: Business Administration
  • Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
  • Credit Hours: 3
  • Description:

    Business Communications is a writing-intensive workplace-oriented course designed to help students develop and refine the oral, written, and analytical skills necessary to communicate effectively in professional settings. Students will learn to effectively edit their own writing, understand how businesses communicate to an audience, and enhance their presentation and persuasive skills. Teaching method is small group discussion and workshop. NOTE: This course counts toward the university requirement that students complete two writing-intensive courses in their major, and it also counts as a lower level Business Core Course. Students who take this course to fill either requirement need a C- or better for the class to count towards graduation. Students who have earned credit for English 2007 or English 2596 will not earn additional credit for this course.

  • What is the value of taking this course in Rome? Business Communications adapts well to an international environment. Adapted assignments and in-class content will focus on how art and culture function as business, how the EU economic and legal frameworks affect communication, and how companies handle international PR crises. Additionally, assignments will require students to explore their surroundings in Rome. Finally, students will gain immediately useful global communication skills by dissecting cultural variations in common business documents and by researching and proposing international projects.

  • Special Notes:

    This course counts toward the university requirement that students complete two writing-intensive courses in their major, and it also counts as a lower level Business Core Course. Students who take this course to fill either requirement, need a C- or better for the class to count towards graduation.

  • Pre-requisites:

    Introductory human resource management course (at Temple, Human Resource Management 1101 or 1901), or equivalent, with minimum grade of C-.