Investing for the Future

  • Course Number: 0822
  • Subject: Finance
  • Semester(s) Offered: Fall
  • Credit Hours: 4
  • Description:

    This class will teach you about seemingly complicated financial topics in a very comprehensible manner that will help you make informed financial decisions to ensure a secure financial future. We begin with identification of common financial problems among the "young, fabulous and broke" and how to avoid them. After thinking about life and financial priorities, we address why thinking about retirement now must be at the top of your list. We examine how to compute your retirement needs and how to get there, primarily with a focus on investing in common stock. You will learn how to think smart about big ticket purchases such as cars, housing, and graduate/professional education. Finally we will make sure you understand how to create a safety net to protect your future. NOTE: This course fulfills the Quantitative Literacy (GQ) requirement for students under GenEd and a Quantitative Reasoning (QA or QB) requirement for students under Core. Students cannot receive credit for this course if they have successfully completed ECE 0822, FIN 0922 or RMI 0822.

  • Course Attribute: