Global Exchange Scholarship (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)


HUFS offers up to five scholarships to exchange students, with outstanding academic merit, from its international partner institutions, such as Temple University. Scholarship award amounts include: KRW 500,000 monthly stipend, KRW 200,000 one-off payment, airfare reimbursement, and medical insurance.

Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit.

The scholarships are awarded to applicants from HUFS’ international partner universities who are accepted for admission to HUFS exchange program.

  • each applicant should submit a copy of their official transcript and a reference letter by a faculty member at their home institution (i.e. Temple University), which describe the applicant's outstanding ability
  • cumulative GPA minimum of 3.2 out of 4.0

Eligibility Requirements

  • Academic merit, including cumulative GPA minimum of 3.2 out of 4.0 and reference letter from faculty attesting to academic ability.
  • The scholarship awardees will share their knowledge and experiences with HUFS students by participating in the Foreign Language Peer Tutoring Program, teaching their native languages to HUFS students for 2 hours/week.
  • The scholarship is not available to students already in the exchange program
  • This scholarship is not available to students who will only pursue the Korean Language course
  • The scholarship is not available to students who will receive other financial support from HUFS or an external Korean educational organization, including:
    • HUFS: Housing or monthly living allowance, etc. 
    • External: NIIED, DUO Korea, Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, etc
  • University/national quotas may apply
  • The number of scholarship holders may change according to availability