- Course Number: 1112
- Subject: Biology
- Semester(s) Offered: Spring
- Credit Hours: 4
- Description:
This course (or Biology 2112), with Biology 1111, makes up the introductory series for Biology majors. Biology 1112 is designed to be taken in either semester of the Freshman year. While either 1112 or 2112 will satisfy the requirement for Biology majors and the prerequisites for the 2nd level core Biology courses, students who are interested in focusing on Biochemistry are encouraged to take 2112 instead. This course will be an introduction to the Biology of organisms at the cellular and sub-cellular levels, and will provide an introduction to the fundamental concepts of cell biology, molecular biology, and genetics. Topics covered include the flow of information from DNA to RNA to proteins and the implications for evolution, metabolic pathways, photosynthesis, and cell changes during mitosis and meiosis. Finally, the course will introduce students to cutting-edge tools in bioinformatics and genomics. There are weekly laboratories that reinforce the concepts covered during the lecture and emphasize generating and analyzing data in the Cell and Molecular Biology disciplines.