
Academic Policies


Temple University students must be in good academic standing and have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA to be eligible to study abroad on any program, but should be aware that each program—Temple-administered, exchange, or external—sets its own criteria for admissions, which often exceeds the 2.5 GPA minimum. Check the application and eligibility requirements for your program of interest. Acceptance or approval to study abroad is rescinded if the student is placed on academic warning or probation.

General Education (GenEd)

Temple students who successfully complete (with a C- or better) credit-bearing coursework worth at least three semester hours in an approved summer or semester study abroad program with a minimum stay abroad of 28-days will satisfy the World Society (GG) requirement.

Study abroad approval procedures for external programs

View procedures in the Undergraduate Bulletin and on our website.

Transfer Credit Policy for Matriculated Undergraduate Students 

Matriculated Temple undergraduates may receive credit for two types of transfer courses, including those earned through Temple-approved semester or summer external or exchange study abroad program, as defined in the Undergraduate Bulletin. For education abroad, this includes GenEd courses that are approved through the course approvals workflow.

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Conduct and student behavior policies


All students studying abroad must be in good disciplinary standing at the time of application and remain so through the start of their term abroad. Students who have been found responsible for a code of conduct violation and will not be in good disciplinary standing (including disciplinary probation) may submit a petition for review. 

  • Students who have been found responsible for a code of conduct violation are subject to additional review and may not be eligible.

Student Code of Conduct and student behavior

Program participants are expected to abide by all of Temple’s policies and are subject to the Student Code of Conduct while abroad. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with all of Temple’s policies including the following:

The university’s policy on preventing sexual violence includes a description of Temple’s education and prevention efforts, as well as the procedures for reporting complaints of sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, or stalking as well as the assistance for victims. The university’s policy on student drug and alcohol use provides comprehensive information regarding health risks associated with drug use, criminal and university penalties for illegal drug and alcohol use, resources for drug and alcohol abuse, and other important information.

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The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 prevents Temple University from disclosing information about a student's education records without the written consent of a student or without proof that the student is the tax dependent of the parent. For more information, please visit the Dean of Students’ website and view the official policy at http://policies.temple.edu/ferpa/.

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Billing and Refund Policies and Procedures

Please click on the links below for details about billing and refund policies and procedures.
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International travel policy and elevated/high risk travel

Temple University has defined Temple affiliated international travel and identified risks associated with international travel. Temple-affiliated travel, including study abroad and other official university programs and/or activities, may be prohibited in countries or areas within countries that are deemed elevated or high risk in accordance with the University’s International Travel Policy

If the University has suspended travel to a particular country/region, information will be posted on the Alerts & Advisories page of the Global, Health, Safety, and Security website. In some instances students interested in studying abroad in countries/areas designated by Temple as an elevated or high risk may be considered for a petition. Students planning to study abroad on a Temple exchange program or an approved external study abroad program will be notified by their program manager if their completed request to study abroad application requires a petition. 

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Equal Opportunity

Temple University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all in every aspect of its operations, including employment, service, and educational programs.

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